Treason and Felony Conduct

Treason and Felony Conduct

In the New Hampshire State House
By: Daniel Richard

Stephan Shurtleff, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Donna Soucy, President of the Senate of the state of New Hampshire, have actively conspired to deprive me of my Constitutional protected right to redress of grievance. The right to protest (remonstrate) the exercise of undelegated powers of the state is a fundamental right. The right to Remonstrate any usurpations of power or any encroachment on the rights of the people is codified in the New Hampshire Bill of Rights, Part I. Article 32 and Article 31 specifies the Constitutional requirement “that the General Court must provide the remedy by which the people may obtain the aforesaid redress of grievance.”

On May 20, 2019, I filed two (2) Article 32 - Constitutional Remonstrance[s] with the office of the Secretary of State, the office of the Governor, the Clerk of the House, and the Clerk of the Senate to protest the exercise of undelegated powers by both, Shurtleff and Soucy, and the allegation that their actions where violations of their oath of office.

Shurtleff and Soucy have conspired with others for almost a year to conceal a public document (my lawfully filed Remonstrance[s]) from the General Court and deprived me of my fundamental rights to due process, and to redress of grievance.

The act of “concealing a public document” is a criminal offense, as defined by the state statutes to be both felonious, and misdemeanor violations of the following state statutes;

NH RSA 641:1, definition:

II. “Official proceeding” means any proceeding before a legislative, judicial, administrative or other governmental body or official authorized by law to take evidence under oath or affirmation including a notary or other person taking evidence in connection with any such proceeding.

NH RSA 641:7 Tampering With Public Records or Information. – misdemeanor

Shurtleff and Soucy having received my Remonstrance[s], and being the custodian[s] of a public document purposely concealed it, to prevent its availability to the General Court.

NH RSA 638:2; Fraudulent Handling of Recordable Writings. – Felony

Shurtleff and Soucy, upon receiving a public document (my Remonstrance[s]), had a Constitutional obligation to provide me with due process, and redress of grievance. As the custodian[s] of a public document they prevented the public recording of my Remonstrance[s], by concealing my Remonstrance[s] from the General Court.

NH RSA 638:3 Tampering With Public or Private Records. - misdemeanor

Shurtleff and Soucy did, knowing they had no privilege or delegated power to do so, deprive me of due process, and my right of redress of grievance, and did so to conceal my allegations of wrongdoing against them, and, to prevent any investigation into such claims of wrong doing.

NH RSA 641:5 Tampering With Witnesses and Informants. – Felony

Shurtleff and Soucy, believing that an official proceeding as defined in RSA 641:1, II was pending, and, that an investigation would be instituted or was about to be instituted, and did withhold my Remonstrance[s] for the purpose of eluding any legal process summoning them to provide any evidence relevant to the allegations, and did so to absent themselves from any proceeding[s] or investigations to which they might be summoned.

NH RSA 641:6 Falsifying Physical Evidence. – Felony

Shurtleff and Soucy, believing that an official proceeding[s] as defined in RSA 641:1, II may occur, and, that an investigation was about to be instituted, did conceal my Remonstrance[s] for the purpose of preventing the availability in any such future proceeding[s] or investigations, and further, they did knowingly conceal my Remonstrance[s] from the General Court, for the purpose[s] to deceive any public servant who is, or may be engaged in such proceeding[s] or investigations.


The people of this State have had their fundamental right[s] to due process and the right to obtain a remedy for redress of grievance taken from them with out their consent. We the people no longer have any means to protest the usurpations of undelegated power, or any encroachment on the rights of the people by bad faith actions conducted by state actors. It is time for the people of this State to wake up to the current unconstitutional function, of the current state government.

The foregoing NH RSA’s are available at

I, Daniel Richard, a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire, swear that all the information provided here in to be true and correct, so help me God.

Daniel Richard


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