In the first Year of the One Hundred Sixty-Six General Court
General Session
The State of New Hampshire
Daniel Joseph Alain Richard
A Citizen Of
The State of New Hampshire
Stephen Shurtleff
Donna Soucy
Notice to agent is notice to principle and notice to principle is notice to agent.
Notice of Trespass
Instruction for Re-institution of Constitutional Guaranteed Rights
Under the Authority of the Constitution of New Hampshire, Bill of Rights Part I Article VIII; All power residing originally in, and being derived from the people, all the magistrates and officers of government, are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.
I give notice of trespass of my unalienable rights guaranteed in said Constitution.
claim: trespass [fraud] [conversion] [violation of oath of office]
[deprivation right(s) under the color of law]
I, a man, claim:
- the said wrongdoer(s) trespass upon my property;
- the causal agent of trespass, comes by way of fraud;
- the causal agent of trespass, comes by way of the use of conversion;
- the causal agent of trespass, comes by way of, violation of oath of office;
- the trespass did and does harm and injury to my property [right(s)]; deprivation right(s) under the color of law.
- the commencement of the wrong and harm began on July 3, 2018;
- the harm continues to this day, May 19, 2019;
And; under the Authority of Article XXXII: That I, a man, a Citizen of this State Instruct my representatives in the (General Court) to repeal all statutes which are repugnant and contrary to the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire and restore my Constitutional guaranteed Rights. I require that my rights secured in the Constitution of New Hampshire to be restored within 30 days of this Notice and instruction.
- Noncompliance of this notice of trespass and notice of instruction within 30 days will result in my filing a claim in a Court of law for trespass on my rights.
- I, a man require compensation for the initial and continual trespass upon my property; my rights.
- compensation due: 1 Silver dollar “1oz. of silver” per second from the time of notice of trespass for each of said trespasses.
James Madison, Property (March 29, 1792) Papers 14:266—68; “In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights”, “He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person”, “Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.”
1789 The Constitution for the United States of America; (qualification clauses) Citizen of the United States is defined as a Citizen of a State.
1868 The 14th amendment citizen of the United States is a federal United States citizen defined by the amendment and federal law.
The New Hampshire law;1808 [chapter 49] Sec.1. “naturalized citizen of the United States” is a person meeting the federal rules of immigration to become a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire or, an American citizen (born or naturalized in any other State) who meets the State of NH two step naturalization process.
A. meet the residency requirement of dwelling in the State for 2 yrs. and on completion of the residency requirement.
B. one swears an oath of allegiance to the State of New Hampshire and the United States thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire. Individual: Any natural man or woman.
Inhabitant: the people who are qualified to vote and hold office; the people who can elect and be elected.
Law of the land: Constitution of New Hampshire.
Person: the natural man or woman.
Reside: dwell or dwelleth.
Residence: a place where one lives.
Resident: living in a place for some length of time.
Resident Alien: is any person not a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire. American citizens (born or naturalized in any one of the States of the Union) or (federal United States citizens) that are not naturalized to the State of New Hampshire are resident aliens.
Special mention; Resident and Reside do not appear in the New Hampshire Bill of Rights.
Subject: one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state.
The people: The Citizens of the State.
The Constitution of New Hampshire and the Constitution for the United States of America are still some of the laws of the land. Part I Bill of Rights Article’s I, VII, VIII, XI, XII, XV, Part II form of government Article I, IV, V and the federal 9th and 10th amendments (Bill of Rights) of the Constitution for the United States of America have never been amended or repealed
I, Daniel Joseph Alain Richard, am a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire and I dwelleth and hath a home in said State. After meeting the federal requirements, I was Naturalized in New Hampshire, in Hillsborough County at the Superior court in the city of Manchester, September 11, 1981 under NH RSA 491:21 Naturalization; My person was admitted to become a Citizen thereof; and thereupon my person shall be considered as a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire.
My parents established my status as a resident legal alien, subject to the rights and responsibilities of a Green Card Holder (Permanent Resident legal alien), and subject to the Local, State and Federal Government Jurisdiction. Upon meeting the residency requirement my parents were Naturalized in New Hampshire.
I was born outside the United States and residing permanently in New Hampshire; conditions under which citizenship automatically acquired through my naturalized mother; 8 U.S Code 1431(a)1.2.3.
My Naturalization certificate (No. XXXXXXX) establishes my status as a citizen of the United States of America, an American citizen, a citizen of one of the States united, a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire.
Having reached the age of 18 I have reaffirmed my Nationality as an American, an inhabitant and Citizen of the State of New Hampshire and I have sworn an oath to the sovereign State of New Hampshire. Said oath has been Apostille (No. 2018-0857) and filed with the Secretary of the State of New Hampshire.
- The “state” of NEW HAMPSHIRE’S current and proposed legislative voting requirements are repugnant and contrary to The Constitution of New Hampshire. The requirement that Citizen of the State, must be United States citizen and a resident of the federal “state” and have a domicile in the “state”, in order to vote is constructive fraud.
- Any NH RSA (statute) requiring I, a man, a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire to be United States citizen, a 14th amendment citizen of the United States to exercise any Rights guaranteed in the Constitution of New Hampshire is repugnant and contrary to said Constitutions. The corporation (the United States) has combined with others to subject I, a man, to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution’s, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving their Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation.
- Converting I, a man, a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire into a United States citizen, a federal “state” citizen (a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia) a corporation, is common law criminal conversion. Federal “state citizens” are also described as N.H. state residents.
- Such conversion creates a relationship between I, a man, a Citizen of the Sovereign State of New Hampshire a, body-politic, and, the United States a body-corporate by subjecting me, a Citizen of the State, to the body-politic of the federal “legislative power” exceeding the 10-mile square prohibition. No such previous relationship (legislature power) existed between the Citizens of the State of New Hampshire and the United States federal government (a corporation), under the Constitution for the United States of America.
- A Citizen of the State cannot be compelled to have a federal “state” driver’s license or a federal social security number for identification is constructive fraud. Said requirements are Coercion by abusing or threatening abuse of law or legal process.
- Attaching civil and criminal consciences for not accepting unconstitutional terms and conditions is violating my right of suffrage by threatening me with penalties unless I surrender my right of conscience; Part I Bill of Rights, Article IV to knowingly accept colorable law in order to vote in State elections is fraud by coercion.
- The 1973 amendment of NH RSA 54:1 definitions of legal voters, amends said statute and amends the Constitution with no consent of the people, or (I, a man) and as such is repugnant and contrary to Constitution of New Hampshire. It abolishes State sovereignty by removing the law that only Citizens of the State of New Hampshire are qualified to vote in the State of New Hampshire elections, Thus, allowing resident aliens to vote in State of New Hampshire elections.
- The 1976 amendment (question 8 on the voters’ guide) of voter qualifications, by inserting the word Domicile is repugnant and contrary to said Constitution, See Gerber vs King 107 N.H. 495 (1967), CONCRETE, INC. v. RHEAUME BUILDERS 101 N.H. 59 (1957), Penrod v. Crowley, 82 Idaho 511).
- NH RSA 21:4, 21:6, 21:6a and NH RSA 654:1 amend the NH Constitution without the consent of the people; Part 1 Bill of Rights Article I, Part II Form of Government Article C (100).
- An Act to determine who shall be legal Voters in town meetings, and to secure to the inhabitants of this State their rights of suffrage. Approved December 21, 1808 [chapter 49] was the law of the land until 1973. N.H. HB 363 amended [chapter 54] and removed the descriptive language that only a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire could vote in our elections, thus allowing resident aliens (United States citizens) the right to vote in New Hampshire elections.
HB 363 was proposed for a nonexistent problem. Rep Sanborn’s language in the bill is a series of mis-statements or fraud. “some 8 or 10 years ago in N.H. law,” is false. The public policy was 165 years old in 1973 and the removal of the definition of “being a” and “native or naturalized” abolishes State Citizenship definition and the power of Sovereign State to naturalize Resident Aliens unto its self. This denies the State of New Hampshire the highest exercise of the Sovereign power of a State to choose who are its Citizens.
Rep. Sanborn’s claims that his children were born in foreign country has no bearing on the proposed removable of descriptive language. The 1790 “An act to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).
“And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States”
Rep. Sanborn confesses that “This does nothing to their voting rights except that it is a technicality and the law needs to be corrected to include the rights of a voter born outside this country of American parents.”
If existing public policy does nothing to their voting rights why are such amendments being proposed when the federal law governs the issue and the remedy? Why did Rep. Sanborn propose a solution for nonexistent problem?
Sen. Johnson: “This merely establishes the right to a child born overseas of American parents to vote?”
Rep. Sanborn: “That is correct. I am sure that if we’re challenged the federal law would find the error in New Hampshire law.”
HB 363 is void for lack of jurisdiction. The General Court cannot amend the Constitution of New Hampshire in direct violation of Article C (100) and surrender the Sovereignty of the State to decide for itself who are its citizens. The stated purpose of the amendment was to confer voting privileges of foreign-born children of American parents. Children born of Citizens of New Hampshire living outside of this country are automatically considered natural born citizens of New Hampshire under federal naturalization law. The amendment cannot achieve its stated goal as the remedy is in federal jurisdiction and there is no disenfranchisement of any voting rights.
The stated purpose and the consequence of the redaction of the original descriptive text allows resident aliens, citizens of the United States, by definition “citizens of any of the 49 other states and federal territory” to move to our State and vote in our election without the requirement that they be naturalized to the State and become a Citizen of the State of New Hampshire to be eligible to vote in this State. Such was the law since 1808.
The original law of 1808 Chapter 49
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened. That every male inhabitant of each town and parish with town privileges, and places unincorporated in this State, being a natural born or naturalized citizen of the United States of twenty-one years of age and upwards, excepting paupers and persons excused from paying taxes at their own request, shall have a right, at the annual and other meetings of the inhabitants of said towns and parishes, to vote in the town or parish wherein he dwells and hath his home; — provided however, That no person shall be considered an inhabitant in any town or parish in this State for the purpose of voting, unless he has resided in such place six months, or has become a free-holder.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That no person, not being a citizen of this State or of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at any town meeting for the choice of State, County or town officers, unless he shall have resided within this State two years and shall have made oath before some Justice of the Peace, or other person authorized to administer oaths — That he will bear faith and true allegiance to the State of New Hampshire, and to the United States, and will support the Constitutions thereof. Provided however, That no person, not a citizen of this State or of the United States, shall be considered qualified to fill any County or State office.
The last printing of the original l808 public policy [chapter 49] version was in 1955 and was in effect until 1973. Chapter 54. Section 1. “natural born” had been amended to read “being a native”. The original prohibition clause in Section 2. was amended into 54:7 Aliens. “No alien not naturalized shall be entitled to vote at any town-meetings.”
The definition of Citizen of the United States is detailed in the qualification clauses of the 1789 Constitution for the United States of America; In Article I Section. 2., Article I Section. 3., Article II Section. 1., Article III Section. 2., Article IV Section. 2. and the 11th amendment. In 1789 Citizen of the United States meant a Citizen of one the sovereign States of the union.
The 1868 14th amendment created a 2nd class of citizenship, “citizen of the United States” a federal citizen created by the federal legislature to confer civil rights (legislation) to the freed African slaves and other minorities.
The 1808 Law of [chapter 49]; definition of citizen of the United States is a Citizen of a State. The14th amendment definition of citizen of the United States used after 1868, as used in 1973 refers to federal citizenship and not State Citizenship.
There is no delegated authority under the Constitution for the United States of America nor are there any laws made in pursuance thereof, requiring that State citizenship is to be abolished and any reference to State citizenship be removed.
10th amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
There is no N.H. Constitutional amendment nor has there ever been any legislation surrendering the sovereign power of the State of New Hampshire to determine who are its rightful citizens.
Part I Bill of Rights, Article VII; The people of this State, have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign and independent State, and do, and forever hereafter shall exercise, and enjoy every power, jurisdiction and right pertaining thereto, which is not, or may not hereafter be by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in Congress assembled.
Article VII has never been amended or repealed and is still a law of the land.
Any public policy requiring state government to omit any reference to Citizen of the State and only to reference United States citizenship is fraud and conversion. A Citizen of a State has a relationship with the government it consents to, the State. The social compact is between (I, a man) one of the people and the State. The State must be named in the compact.
The act of omission of Citizen of the State and replacing it with federal citizenship is done with no disclosure or consent of (I, a man) or the people of the State.
The change from a Citizen of the State, to United States citizen changes the social compact between (I, a man) one of the people of the State, to a new compact between (I, a man) one of the people of the State and the federal government with no disclosure or consent.
All state public policy using United States citizen is repugnant and contrary to Part I Article VII. The state cannot compel Citizens of the State to be federal citizens to exercise any relationship with the State of New Hampshire.
There exist in our republic 2 classes of citizenship, one State and one federal. These are two completely different definitions and two completely different physical jurisdictions, one State, one federal. A Citizen of New Hampshire is subject to the Common Law of the Constitution of New Hampshire. A United States citizen is subject to the statutory jurisdiction of Federal Government, Article I section 8 clause 17.) and federal law.
There are many cases that recognize that one may be a citizen of the United States (“federal citizen”) without also being a Citizen of any particular Union state. See e.g. Hough v. Societe Electrique Westinghouse de Russie, 231 F. 341, (USDC, NY, 1916).
These cases also recognize that Americans may be Citizens of a Union state without also being federal citizens. See McDonel v. State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883); Crosse v. Board of Supervisors of Elections, 221 A.2d 431 (1966); 11 C.J., Section 3, page 777 and cases cited therein (Harding, McDonel, Fowler).
Other cases also recognize that, both before and after the so-called Fourteenth amendment, it has not been necessary for one to be a federal citizen in order to be a Citizen of a Union State.
- The State, or State of New Hampshire are proper nouns and are styled by the English rules of grammar and by Government Printing Office style manuals with a capital S. All reference to the State in the original constitution is capitalized when referring to the State of New Hampshire.
Part I and Part II Form of government, Article I;
“The people inhabiting the territory formerly called the Province of New Hampshire, do hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent Body-politic, or State, by the name of the State of New Hampshire.”
NH RSA 21:4 is repugnant and contrary to said Constitution.
“21:4 State; United States. – The word “state,” when applied to different parts of the United States, may extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories, so called; and the words “United States” shall include said district and territories.”
This statute grants a power to the General Court not delegated. The power to amend the Constitution is reserved to the people. Any use of this statutory construction to enact laws under the color of law is constructive fraud. A statute cannot be used to change and amend the definition of State, the State of New Hampshire to a federal state, a “state” (state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia). The original text and definition of State in the constitution has been replaced in 96 places with no disclosure or consent in direct violation of the amendment process. This statutory construction has been used to form and erect a “state” within the State of New Hampshire which is repugnant and contrary to;
Article IV
Section 3.
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
The General Court has no authority to surrender the sovereignty of the people, State Sovereignty, to a corporation the United States, and subject the Citizens/inhabitants of the State to federal jurisdiction and control. For Example, the state of N.H. Division of Motor Vehicles.
Driver License Compact
Article II. Definitions
As used in this Compact:
- “State” means a state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
As defined by this statute, the state is a territory and possession of the United States and the Citizens/Inhabitants of this State are coursed into federal jurisdiction with no disclosure or consent. The people (Citizens) are then subjected to the following.
Article IV
Section 3
The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.
Under Article IV Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this union a republican form of government, but it has no duty to provide such to its Territory or Possession’s the “state” of NEW HAMPSHIRE.
The Inhabitants of the State are not controllable by any other laws than those to which they or their representative body of the people (inhabitants through the constitutional amendment process) (Citizens) have given their consent.
Part I Bill of Rights Article XII;
“Nor are the inhabitants of this State controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body have given their consent.”
- Question 8 on the November 2, 1976 voters’ guide (NH constitutional amendments “domicile”) is repugnant and contrary to the Constitution of New Hampshire. Based on Gerber v. King 1967, which repealed question 8 of the 1966 voters’ guide on the 1966 Ballot and NH RSA Chapter 663 which established that the disclosure to voters must not be confusing or complicated. The outcome of an amendment must be fully disclosed to the voters for there to be informed consent. No misleading language or confusing questions by interweaving multiple questions into one choice. Also interweaving of multiple amendments of multiple articles with no disclosure.
Voters’ Guide language from November 2, 1976 presented wording that was misleading and inappropriately combined into a single ballot question thus disallowed those examining the questions the opportunity to answer each question independently. It admits that the 1st portion of the question is already law. So why is it there? If inhabitant is already interpreted to mean a person’s “domicile”, why is it there and with 3 other questions? The word domicile does not exist in the Constitution until this amendment is passed. This is fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. See Gerber vs King 107 N.H. 495 (1967), CONCRETE, INC. v. RHEAUME BUILDERS 101 N.H. 59 (1957), Penrod v. Crowley, 82 Idaho 511),
Article XI Part I was not in the voters’ guide. Article XIII Part II was not in the voters’ guide and was repealed with no consent. This also repealed an article referencing the word dwell. Article XXVIII Part II was not in the voter’s guide and was repealed with no consent. This also repealed and article referencing the word dwell. Article XXX Part II was not in the voters’ guide and neither was twice deleting reference to electing. Also, substituting “is domiciled” for “dwelleth and hath his home” is misleading. This is an attempt to redefine the definition of dwelleth and hath his home to the word domicile to change the legal definition of where one lives. Also, Article XXXI Part II was not in the voter’s guide and was repealed with no consent. NH RSA 663:3 Form of Ballot: A constitutional question shall include, in the text of the question, the text of the article of the constitution as it is proposed to be amended.
This is an attempt to eliminate all references to “dwell” and “dwelleth and hath a home” by repeal of the three places where the definition has been used for the previous one hundred ninety-three years. Repealing Article XIII, Article XXVIII, and amending Article XXX by fraud removes all references to “dwell” and “dwelleth and hath a home”. Inserting the word “domicile” is a clear attempt to alter the definition,
The original 1784 Constitution Part I Article XI “And every person qualified as the constitution provides, shall be considered an inhabitant for the purpose of electing and being elected into any office or place within this State, in that town, parish and plantation where he dwelleth and hath his home.”
The inhabitant is further defined in Article XII Part I: “Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property; he is therefore bound to contribute his share in the expense of such protection, and to yield his personal service when necessary.
The definition “Inhabitant” is used 21 times in every place necessary as to who can elect and be elected. It identifies that only inhabitants have the power to vote. “dwell” or lives in a dwelling and “hath a home” or has a home in the State, town, district where the inhabitant will vote.
- NH RSA 21:4, 21:6 and 21:6-a is void for lack of jurisdiction and it is repugnant and contrary to the Constitution of New Hampshire. All of these statutes amend the State Constitution in direct violation of the Part II Article 100 amendment process. The State Constitution can only be amended by the consent of the people.
NH RSA 21:6 Inhabitant and Resident are not synonymous and have different meanings and definitions. They have 2 different definitions in the State Constitution. Inhabitant is used to describe electors, voters; office holders. Only qualified inhabitants have the right to vote in State elections.
Resident is used only 1 time in the State Constitution in Part II Article V. The definition of Resident is that of a Resident Alien with no voting privileges. A statute cannot be used to grant a Resident the same voting rights as an inhabitant.
There are only five categories of a person physically on the land of the State.
- Citizen of the State
- Resident Alien: citizen of anyone of the other states in the union
- Resident Alien: a federal United States citizen
- A legal immigrant: federal permanent resident alien green card holder
- An illegal immigrant
The Inhabitants are the people, the Citizens of the State. Residents are aliens to the State. NH RSA 21:6 amends the Constitutional definition of Resident and is repugnant and contrary to our New Hampshire Constitution.
NH RSA 21:6-a [Residence or residency] is a second statute amending the State Constitutional definition of qualified voters, inhabitants. This statute extends a similar description of the commitment of a Citizen of the State who dwelleth and hath his home with a major difference. This companion legislation with 21:6 is used to confer voting rights to resident aliens.
Residence or residency under the context of State Constitution and law written pursuant thereof, are defined as a measurement of time a person must dwell within the State for the purpose of naturalizing a person as a Citizen of the State or town.
- NH RSA 654:1 is void for lack of jurisdiction and is repugnant and contrary to the State Constitution. This statute has multiple unconstitutional items.
- Use of the word Domicile
- Use of the definition of a federal citizen of the United States
- Section; I-a, allows voting privileges to unqualified persons
- All the aforesaid herein is trafficking my person into a jurisdiction foreign to the Constitution of New Hampshire by attaching civil and criminal consequences for not consenting to colorable law. Said acts are achieved by the acts of omission, coercion and abusing or threatening abuse of law or legal process.
- The Constitution of New Hampshire, and the laws of the State which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all laws made, or which shall be made, under the authority of said Constitution shall be one of the laws of the land; and the judges in this State shall be bound thereby.
- The people established the Constitution of New Hampshire Part I Bill of Rights first. Part II form of government was established to protect Part I. The law of the land as established by the consent of the people is enumerated and said delegated powers and prohibitions are granted to our public servants.
- The oath of allegiance to the Constitution of New Hampshire requires fidelity by all members of government and especially of the General Court to its delegated powers and prohibitions. The power to enact orders, laws, statutes, ordinances, directions and instructions, either with penalties or without, has limitations and prohibitions. As stated in Part II, Article V, “so as the same be not repugnant, or contrary to this constitution (the law of the land),” is specific. The General Court and all agents of government may not exercise any power not delegated to it, nor exercise any power that is not in harmony with the Constitution of New Hampshire. Any enactment, application or enforcement of orders, laws, statutes, ordinances, directions and instructions, either with penalties or without, which are not pursuant to the law of the land, are colorable law and are null and void for lack of authority and a violation of the oath of office.
- Under the authority of Part I Article X and NH RSA 92:2 written pursuant thereof that any agent of State government who violates said oath shall be forthwith dismissed from the office or position involved. Any agent of government that obstructs the restoration of the Constitution of New Hampshire from repugnant or contrary alterations of said Constitution shall be guilty of violating their oath and shall be referred to the Attorney General for criminal prosecution for treason against the people and the Constitution of New Hampshire.
Repeal all repugnant or contrary enactments and Restore the Constitution of New Hampshire
The Constitutional Supremacy must prevail. Any legislation which is not in harmony with, or is repugnant or contrary to the Constitution of New Hampshire is null and void.
- Restore my Constitutionally guaranteed rightful relationship with my State government which is secured by the Constitution of New Hampshire. Repeal all changes to said Constitution achieved by violating the first Right, Part I The Bill of Rights. Article 1;
“all government of right originates from the people, is founded in consent,”
Any and all such amendments or public policy achieved without full disclosure or consent are null and void for fraud.
- Restore the Constitutional definitions, qualifications and the 165 year old law of 1808 [chapter 49] as to who shall be legal voters. Qualified voters have two requirements;
1. A person must be a Citizen of the State; native or naturalized.
2. Be a qualified inhabitant; Inhabitant is defined in both Part I and Part II.
- Part I Bill of Rights;
Article XI. All elections ought to be free, and every inhabitant of the State having the proper qualifications, has equal right to elect, and be elected into office.
Article XII. Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it in the enjoyment of his life, liberty and property; he is therefore bound to contribute his share in the expense of such protection, and to yield his personal service when necessary, or an equivalent. But no part of a man’s property shall be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people. Nor are the inhabitants of this State controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body have given their consent.
Article XXVIII. No subsidy, charge, tax, impost or duty shall be established, fixed, laid or levied, under any pretext whatsoever, without the consent of the people, or their representatives in the legislature, or authority derived from that body.
Part II Form of Government;
Article V. And be subject to fines, mulcts, imprisonments and other punishments; and subject to proportional and reasonable assessments, rates and taxes, upon all the inhabitants of, and residents within the said State, and upon all estates within the same; to be issued and disposed of by warrant under the hand of the president of this State for the time being, with the advice and consent of the council, for the public service, in the necessary defense and support of the government of this State, and the protection and preservation of the subjects thereof, according to such acts as are, or shall be in force within the same.”
Article XXX; “And every person qualified as the constitution provides, shall be considered an inhabitant for the purpose of electing and being elected into any office or place within this State, in that town, parish and plantation where he dwelleth and hath his home.”
- Repeal any use of the 14th amendment definition of “citizen of the United States” as used in any legislation where such use has replaced the original intent and reference to a Citizen of the State.
- Restore all reference to Citizen of the State as described in the (1788) Federal Constitutional definition of “Citizen of the United States” is a Citizen of a State when necessary to correct any unauthorized original intent.
- Repeal the 1976 Constitutional addendum of the word domicile and all of changes brought about by that addendum and restore the original Constitutional synonym for resides “dwell” and is domiciled “hath his home”.
- Repeal NH RSA’s: 21:4, 21:6, 21:6-a. Said statutes are void for lack of jurisdiction as they are repugnant and contrary to the Constitution of New Hampshire.
- Repeal NH RSA 654:1 and restore the 1808 law [Chapter 49] An Act to determine who shall be legal Voters in town meetings, and to secure to the inhabitants of this State their rights of suffrage. The original Constitutional intent of Sec.1. and Sec.2. must be restored. Only Citizens of the State whom are Qualified Inhabitants may vote in State of New Hampshire elections.
I, Daniel Joseph Alain Richard who dwelleth and hath my home, in the town of Auburn at 95 Rockingham Rd. in Rockingham County, swear that all the information provided above to be true and correct.
Executed the_______ day of the________ month, Two Thousand, Nineteen
Notary Public Acknowledgement
State of New Hampshire, Hillsborough County, ss:
This Declaration was acknowledged before me on this______day of _______
by, ________________________________________________, who, being first duly sworn on oath according to law, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing Declaration subscribing him and that the matters stated herein are true to the best of his information, knowledge and belief.
Notary Public
My commission expires_____________________
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