Call your Executive Councilor RIGHT NOW and TELL THEM TO VOTE NO on AG MacDonald!

Tell them you oppose Governor’s Sununu’s recent nomination for justice of the NH Supreme Court, Attorney General, Gordon MacDonald. Use the contact info for your Executive Councilor below to contact them NOW.

HEARING for AG McDonald was held yesterday but there is still time to contact your district Executive Council member. (listed below).


 Attorney General Gordon MacDonald is appearing before the Executive Council.  The EC will be voting to elect Gordon Macdonald to serve as the chief justice of the New Hampshire Supreme Court.  Also in attendance will be Dan Richards who will be questioning  AG MacDonald as to his ability to IMPARTIALLY serve as justice of the NH Supreme Court.  Below is the link to the call in number so that you can listen to the proceedings.


Video link to yesterday’s hearing


The only way WE THE PEOPLE have a voice is by sharing this information with others. 


Executive Council Members

District One

The Honorable Joseph D. Kenney
PO Box 201 Union, New Hampshire 03887
Executive Council Office: (603) 271-3632 Cell: (603) 581-8780

District Two

The Honorable  Cinde Warmington
P.O. Box 2133 Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Executive Council Office: (603) 271-3632 Cell: (603) 387-0481

District Three

The Honorable Janet Stevens
P.O. Box 687 Rye, New Hampshire 03870
Executive Council Office: (603) 271-3632 Cell: (603) 498-0546

District Four

The Honorable Theodore L. Gatsas
PO Box 6655 20 Market Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03108
Executive Council Office: (603) 271-3632 Office E-mail: Ted.Gatsas@nh.gov Office: (603) 623-0211

District Five

The Honorable David K. Wheeler
523 Mason Road Milford, New Hampshire 03055
Executive Council Office: (603) 271-3632 Home: (603) 672-6062

Thank you for your support!

The New Hampshire Committee of Safety (NHCOS) is a group of Citizens of the State of New Hampshire who are exercising their Constitutional rights to abolish and repeal unconstitutional laws. We have done so through various legal demands including the December 20, 2020 filing of a remonstrance with the Secretary of State’s office.