The Committee of Safety’s goal is to:
A) Promote the teachings of the Constitution, the laws of the land
B) Protect these rights by local community and legislative oversight by Committee of Safety watchmen
C) Aim to enforce those rights via remonstrance, litigation, and lobbying efforts
New Hampshire Committee of Safety
Mission Statement
- Education and promotion of the Constitution of New Hampshire—the Laws of the Land.
- Citizen oversight of the legislative body to promote and restore the Constitutional rule of law.
- File remonstrances and lawsuits when necessary to repeal any orders, laws, statutes, ordinances, directions, and instructions that are repugnant or contrary to this Constitution.
- Educate and promote knowledge of the Constitution of New Hampshire to all Citizens of the State consisting of unorganized militia [NH RSA 110-B:1-a].
- To establish and maintain relationships with New Hampshire law enforcement agencies for those people who choose to prepare and train for the possibility of civil unrest, natural disaster, or armed invasion—foreign or domestic. So, if called upon, the citizens of this State may be prepared to support and defend their communities, when necessary, in defense of all certain natural, essential, and inherent rights. Among them include enjoying and defending life and liberty—acquiring, possessing, and protecting property of all kinds.
Education and Promotion of the State Constitution
When it comes to the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, the State must abide by these laws. No one has been standing up and enforcing these laws.
Citizen Oversight
It is the people’s responsibility to protect their constitutional rights by holding public officials accountable. This is achieved by learning what those rights are, who their legislators are, and being aware of what Executive Orders, laws, and RSA’s presented during each Legislative session.
Citizens have the right to meet with their legislature to discuss any concerns they may have. If they feel those concerns have not been addressed there are processes in place, that provide accountability per the State Constitution.
File Remonstrances and Lawsuits